Monday, August 18, 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

I saw "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" this weekend, and it instantly became one of my favorite movies of the year.

Maybe it's a bit of male fantasy.

Maybe it has some portrayals of female behavior that some might find eye-rolling.

Maybe it has more voiceover narration than necessary.

Maybe it's set in some impossible, chamber-of-commerce-approved postcard view of Barcelona.

Maybe, maybe, maybe. All those things may, in fact, be ... but those are issues someone else will have to deal with in a more objective manner.

For me, I'm still drunk with the transporting beauty of a film that starred Javier Bardem, Scarlett Johansson and Penelope Cruz, and yet the most attractive person in it -- for this blogger -- was the luminous Rebecca Hall, whom I don't remember seeing onscreen before, although tells me she was in "The Prestige," which I most definitely saw.

Anyway, by all means, see "Vicky Cristina Barcelona." Best Woody Allen movie since "Bullets Over Broadway" in 1994.

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