Thursday, February 14, 2008

Smells Like Valentine's Day Spirit

Valentine's Day is here. While many will be suffering through price-gouging at local restaurants or desperately rushing to pick up flowers in a commercial attempt to prove their love to someone, I'll be doing the only sensible thing: watching last Saturday's ABC broadcast of "A Charlie Brown Valentine" on DVR. (And finishing unpacking boxes in advance of the parental visit to the new condo coming this weekend.)

For musical accompaniment, every occasion can compel a themed mini-mix.

On this day, how about Steve Earle's "Valentine's Day," Sam Cooke's "Cupid," Bruce Springsteen's "Valentine's Day" (live solo acoustic), Dire Straits' "Romeo and Juliet" (live version), U2's "The Sweetest Thing" and Bob Dylan's "Love Sick," just for the hell of it.

On a similar -- but more funny and darkly downbeat note -- the ever-cool Heather Browne has compiled an outstanding mix of "bitter, brokenhearted songs" at her "I Am Fuel, You Are Friends" blog.

If you like music, Heather is a daily must-read.

1 comment:

Stu said...

What, no episode of "Hearts Afire" to link to?